Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Murder of Jacob Black

The Jacob Riley Black family
Back row (left to right):  Ella Mae, Jacob Riley, Lang G., Roy Kilby, Cecil Banks, James Leland, William Thomas
Middle row (left to right):  Ruth, Eunice Fae, Wade Dewitt, Evelyn Kate
Front row (left to right):  Doris, J.C., Riley Ray

For today's post, I'd like to investigate an incident that took place over 78 years ago, not to a direct ancestor of mine, but to his brother.  That distant uncle's name is Jacob Riley Black.  On February 19, 1940, Jacob Black was murdered.  Or was he?

My 3rd great-grandparents, Riley and Elvina Mauldin Black, were the parents of fifteen children - five girls and ten boys.  One of those children was my second great-grandfather, Andrew Paul Black, whose history I will explore in a later post.  However, great-great-grandpa Andrew Paul ("Paul") had a brother named Jacob.  That makes Jacob my third great-uncle, or the uncle of my great-grandmother, Myrlie Catherine Black Foster.